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Coney Island residents sue NYCHA

Dear friends, Brooklyn A recently filed a lawsuit against the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) on behalf of Coney Island public housing residents who have gone months without cooking gas. Tenants across half a dozen buildings in O’Dwyer Gardens…

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We Stand with All NYC Small Businesses

Join us this Wednesday in support of legislation S1175A and A5081A for small business street vendors. Dear friends, As director of Brooklyn Legal Service Corporation A’s (Brooklyn A) Community & Economic Development Program, I head the Commercial Lease Assistance Program…

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Homeowners Apply To Relief Today

 If you are a homeowner that is experiencing financial hardship HAF can assist you. Dear friends, The Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is now open. If you are a homeowner that is experiencing financial hardship, HAF can assist you to avoid…

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4 minutes

Right to Counsel gives New Yorkers a fighting chance and brings us closer to making housing a human right. Dear friends – In just four minutes our housing attorney Zac Hale delivered striking testimony on the importance of Right to…

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Child Tax Credit Upcoming Deadline

Dear friends, Earlier this year, President Joe Biden extended the Child Tax Credit to include advance monthly payments to help families manage the financial challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Child Tax Credit is a crucial benefit. Families with…

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Make it happen

Dear friends, Lauro and Lupe came to the United States from Ecuador hoping to improve their family's lives. They sent their sons to the local public schools in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and taught them the value of a good education.…

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