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Foreclosure risks and mortgage defaults are rising.

Dear friends,

My name is Alex Knipenberg. I have been working with the Consumer and Economic Advocacy Program team at Brooklyn A as a Staff Attorney for almost 3 years. What makes me passionate about this work is assisting people who would otherwise not have access to legal representation and thus giving back to the community.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, I am concerned for my clients because a significant number of them have either lost employment or their income has been significantly reduced which puts my clients in risk of default on mortgage payments and subject to potential foreclosure proceedings. While the option of refinancing their mortgage loan is present, it might also be imperative that no one overextends themselves by committing to a mortgage they cannot afford. Only after a good amount of research and calculation of their finances, should someone get a mortgage or any other loan relating to buying a new house.

Being on the ground doing foreclosure prevention work, this is what my colleagues and I are seeing:

If you have the means, would you consider supporting Brooklyn A with a financial contribution to support homeowners in need?

Your donation is crucial to our ability to sustain our work and continue to be a trusted resource, especially at this moment, when our communities need help the most.

Brooklyn A is addressing the needs of our clients by:

  • Assisting homeowners to apply for bankruptcy as a tool to stop the foreclosure process. Bankruptcy court has remained open through the crisis.
  • Educating homeowners on their rights and responsibilities concerning the foreclosure moratorium, relief available for financial hardship, etc.
  • Advocating for the delay or cancelation of the NYCtax lien sale which could add significantly to the financial hardship of small homeowners.

If you or someone you know would like to connect with our services around foreclosure prevention, bankruptcy or deed theft, you may contact or 718.487.2300.

If you have the means, please consider spreading justice with Brooklyn A by giving a donation. Your support and contribution are crucial to our ability to sustain our work and continue to be a trusted resource, especially at this moment, when our communities need help the most.

Thank you,

Alex Knipenberg, Esq.
Staff Attorney, Consumer and Economic Advocacy

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