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Scams & Foreclosures: Anti-Displacement Assistance

Our attorneys will present on how homeowners may protect themselves against deed theft and mortgage scams and understand their rights. They will also give updates on foreclosure prevention during the pandemic and answer your general legal questions (not personal case…

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Scams & Foreclosures: Anti-Displacement Assistance

Our attorneys will present on how homeowners may protect themselves against deed theft and mortgage scams and understand their rights. They will also give updates on foreclosure prevention during the pandemic and answer your general legal questions (not personal case…

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9 Million Americans

Dear friends, Mr. Diaz, one taxpayer I worked with recently, moved back to New York during the pandemic to help support his family. Upon arriving he struggled to find work to pay for his necessary living expenses. Many New Yorkers…

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The Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Low and moderate-income families at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability can apply to the New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) for relief. Households approved for ERAP may receive: Up to 12 months of rental arrears payments for rents…

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The Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic

Dear friends, My name is Tamara Del Carmen, and I am the Director of Brooklyn A’s Consumer Economic Advocacy Program and also its Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic. Over the past five years, the program has grown significantly. I’ve had the honor…

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The fabric of our city

Every business needs a legal team! I do this work to ensure high-quality legal representation for small businesses and nonprofit organizations. Dear friend, My name is Alham Usman and I am the new Director of the Community and Economic Development…

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Fair Housing Rights During COVID-19 Town Hall

Join Brooklyn A for a Fair Housing Rights During COVID-19 Town Hall on Tuesday, April 27th at 6:00 pm Discrimination and harassment are never acceptable and should not be tolerated. But many tenants or prospective tenants might not know what…

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