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Fair Housing Rights During COVID-19 Town Hall

Join Brooklyn A for a Fair Housing Rights During COVID-19 Town Hall on Tuesday, April 27th at 6:00 pm Discrimination and harassment are never acceptable and should not be tolerated. But many tenants or prospective tenants might not know what…

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Rick and Yasmin from Jamaica, Queens.

After buying their first home and having their first baby, they came close to foreclosure. Dear friend, Rick and Yasmin are a second-generation immigrant couple. A couple years ago, they purchased their first home in Jamaica, Queens. They are and…

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Taxpayers’ Rights During COVID Town Hall

Join Brooklyn A for a Taxpayers' Rights During COVID Virtual Town Hall on Tuesday, April 6th at 6:00 pmThe rules about who can get the stimulus keep changing. Even if you didn't qualify for the first stimulus, you might qualify…

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Foreclosure Prevention Virtual Town Hall

Join Brooklyn A for a Foreclosure Prevention Virtual Town Hall sponsored by Council Member Alicka Ampry-Samuel (D-41) on Wednesday, March 31st at 6:00 pmCOVID-19 has presented challenges to many small homeowners. Our attorneys will give updates on the state of…

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