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The Basics of Commercial Leases

The Commercial Lease Assistance Program will assist those who struggle with commercial lease related issues. The workshop presenters are experienced business attorneys who have successfully counseled business owners on lease…

You CAN File Your Taxes

Haven't done your taxes yet? There's still time! Experts from Brooklyn A will walk through how you can file on your own. Register Here

Housing Benefits Overview Webinar

Learn all the benefits available to renters, including cash assistance, vouchers, public housing, and more. Register Here

DV Survivor’s Resource Webinar

If you're a survivor of domestic violence, you are not alone—resources are available to help you rebuild. Learn about housing vouchers, furniture allowances, anti-discrimination housing protections, and steps to take if someone falsely claims your dependent on their tax return. The program is sponsored by Assembly Member Stefani Zinerman. Register Here

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